City Coverage & Impact: Start Bus Advertising Now!

City Coverage & Impact: Start Bus Advertising Now!

City Coverage & Impact: Start Bus Advertising Now!

The world of advertising keeps evolving with time. Over the years, one has seen several new forms of advertising coming to the fore. That being said, several older forms of advertising continue to remain effective. One such form of advertising is bus advertising. 

For decades, companies and brands have used bus advertising to propel their growth forward. The importance of bus branding in Dubai has grown significantly over the years owing to the fact that public transportation has continued to be the primary mode of transportation for several people residing in the city. 

In the last few years, one has several new methods of advertising emerging as a replacement for pre-existing forms of advertising. Despite the growing popularity of a plethora of newer forms of advertising, bus advertising continues to hold its forte. In this article, we discuss the relevance of bus advertising, its impact and why one should invest in it. 

12 Ways in Which Bus Advertising Proves to Be Beneficial to a Brand

  • Targeting 

If you want to reach out to a certain section of consumers through an advertising or marketing method, you could take the help of bus advertising. When a bus moves through a particular area, people in that area take notice of the advertising material put up on it. 

If you have just launched a new product and want the residents of Dubai to know about it, all you need to do is advertise or promote it through a bus. You should, ideally, select a bus that moves through the length and breadth of Dubai and will be seen by a good number of people. 

  • Flexibility 

When you opt for bus advertising in Dubai, you realize its versatility and flexibility. One of the most popular methods involved in bus advertising is the usage of bus wraps. These are large vinyl wraps and decals that feature the brand’s content and are put up on the bus.

Interior ads refer to the advertising material incorporated inside the bus. One also has the option of putting up posters on the passenger side, driver side or towards the rear end of the bus. If there are LED screens inside the bus, one can showcase ads there as well. 

  • Dynamism

The dynamic nature of bus advertising makes it all the more desirable. When you put up an advertisement on a billboard, you can expect people to see it only when they pass through it. However, that is not the case with bus advertising.

When you put up a poster, vinyl wrap or any kind of advertising material on a bus, you can expect it to be noticed by people in all those areas where the bus moves through. To make this happen otherwise, you would have to put up posters or hoardings in multiple places. 

  • Visibility

To ensure your advertising material is seen in high-traffic locations, bus advertising in Dubai proves to be one of the best methods to invest in. When you put up a large-sized wrap or poster, you can be sure that it getting a lot of attention. 

Whether the bus is moving from one place to another or has been stationed at a particular location for a while, you can expect the advertising material to make an impact. Apart from creating brand awareness, high visibility leads to a higher possibility of consumer action. 

  • Cost-Effective

When you want to invest in an advertising method and wish for good returns, bus advertising in Dubai is what you should opt for. Despite costing much less than traditional media, bus advertising offers high and continuous exposure.

The mobility of a bus ensures that your advertisement is moving all the time and reaching out to different people. To get this kind of exposure through traditional advertising, you would have to spend a lot more money.

  • Creativity

You get the chance to be extremely creative with your advertising campaign when you opt for bus advertising. You can design your campaign in a way that meets all the different objectives you have in mind. 

Depending on whether you are opting for a short-term promotion strategy or wish to invest in a long-term branding strategy, you can put together your plans. You can narrate a compelling story with the help of vibrant colors, bold graphics and creative layouts. 

  • Brand Recall

An advertising material makes maximum impact when it is seen by a large number of people repeatedly. A message leaves an imprint on the mind when it is said or observed repeatedly. This is something most companies and brands vie for. 

When a bus moves through its regular routes every day, the advertisement on it is seen by a large number of people again and again. Repeated viewing leads to the brand registering an impact in the minds of its potential customers. 

  • Non-Intrusive

Not just companies, but even consumers appreciate bus advertising because of its intrusive nature. Sometimes, people do not like advertisements being forced upon themselves. Because of this, many people develop an aversion to advertisements. 

One of the best things about bus advertising is that it seamlessly blends into the city landscape. When you invest in bus advertising in Dubai, you can expect it to blend with the city and its surroundings. 

  • Optimal Campaign 

When you sign a deal with a bus company for an advertising campaign, you can expect all the buses in their fleet to carry your company or brand’s advertising material. Such optimization can be done only when you opt for bus advertising. 

Optimized advertising comes at a higher cost than most other forms of advertising. In bus advertising, you can create a solid impact without investing a large sum of money. You can convey your message to a large audience at minimal costs.

  • Reach

The reach of a transportation service could be higher than the kind your brand has at the moment. When you collaborate with a transportation service, you get access to its clientele and get to expand your consumer base in very little time.

Sometimes, a brand believes its consumer base to be of a certain size. However, when it started advertising itself through transport services, it realizes its consumer base was bigger. When you are aiming for a wide reach, nothing proves to be as impactful as bus advertising.

  • Execution

When you opt for bus advertising, one of the things you realize is how convenient and smooth the execution process turns out to be. All you need to do is put up the banner, poster, wrap, or decal and let the bus move.

In bus advertising, you do not have to push things constantly. After putting up the advertising material or launching the campaign, you do not have to do anything on your end. As the bus keeps moving around, the campaign will continue to show its effect. 

  • Credibility 

When you put up advertising material on a bus that has earned the trust of a large number of people and has been used by them for years, you can expect your brand to benefit from its goodwill. When a reputed bus service puts up an advertisement, people are bound to look at it seriously. 

A lot of transportation companies tend to be careful about whom they choose to associate themselves with. Before agreeing to advertise a brand, they do a thorough background check and take a few other measures before deciding whether they should join hands with them. 


With increasing awareness around carbon emissions and growing concern for the environment, one sees more and more people using public transport in Dubai. This should encourage companies and brands to invest further in bus advertising. Even if somebody is not using public transport and moving around in their personal vehicle, they will still get to see the advertisements put up on buses.

If you want to try out bus advertising but are not sure how to go about it, you should get in touch with us. We have helped several reputed brands advertise themselves on buses and other forms of public transport in the most effective manner. We help brands design advertising campaigns and execute them in a manner that benefits them both in the short and long run.  


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